Saturday, 22 September 2012

Angelic Reiki

"The Angelic Kingdom is your guide to being the channels, the tools of the hand of the Divine. Part of this knowledge which we will give to you is that system which is now known as Angelic Reiki."

               Archangel Metatron through Kevin Core

Angelic Reiki is the absolute joy of working hand in hand with the Angelic Kingdom of Light to bring one of the highest forms of healing to individuals, human consciousness and the planet.

Angelic Reiki is taught through four levels or as a 9 day intensive.

The four workshops are
Angelic Reiki First and Second Degree.

Angelic Reiki Third and Fourth Degree.

Angelic Reiki Professional Practitioner and service.

Angelic Reiki Master Teacher.

The first two workshops support the participant’s own personal spiritual path.

In the first one there are three attunements, two to the pure angelic vibration of the Reiki symbols as originally given in the time of Lemuria, and the third an initiation into the Angelic Kingdom of Light. 

This attunement literally changes the vibration of every cell molecule and atom of the physical body and attunes our consciousness to become more in line with that of the Angels. 

There are four healing practices, including self healing and distance healing.

The second workshop includes a further three attunements encompassing 12 symbols and an activation of the symbols through all 12 dimensions by the Lord Melchizedek. 

This attunement includes The Master Symbol. 

The attunement into the Angelic Reiki Master Symbol is the invitation and spiritual blessing that paves the way to self mastery. 

It is from this place that we can help others.

The third workshop covers everything needed for professional practitioner and is also of value to everyone. 

It includes attunements and two further healing practices. 

It also includes guidance and information on healing through death, bringing grace and harmony to this part of life. 

In the second part of this workshop there is practical guidance on setting up in practice, our codes of ethics and high professional conduct.

The fourth workshop brings a deepening of the connection to the Angelic Kingdom and the information needed to teach this wonderful healing modality to others.

The 9 day workshop is offered by Christine Core the Founder of Angelic Reiki International. 

This covers all the attunements, healing practices and information of the full system. 
On going support is part of the course and healing case studies are required.

Kevin and Christine Core Co-Founders

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